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Bridgestone exploring plant-based alternative rubber tire ingredient
is preparing an extensive research project in the U.S. dedicated to developing Guayule as a commercially viable, renewable source of high-quality natural rubber and as an alternative to the Hevea tree.
Guayule (pronounced “why-u-lee”) is a perennial shrub native to the Southwest and northern Mexico. The plant produces natural rubber in its bark and roots. Natural rubber from Guayule has almost identical qualities compared to natural rubber harvested from Hevea trees, which is currently the primary source for the natural rubber used in tires.
The company is going to leverage the resources of the Bridgestone Americas Center for Research and Technology and its Akron Technical Center to provide technical and research expertise.
The tire maker is currently seeking land to establish a pilot farm and construct a rubber process research center in the Southwest. Research and development will be conducted by a dedicated research team of agricultural scientists, engineers and process technicians focused on optimizing the agronomic and processing technologies necessary to produce world-class, tire- grade rubber in adequate quantities appropriate for manufacturing.
The company expects to finalize a location, establish the research farm and begin construction on the process research center later this year. The facility is expected to be fully operational in 2014. Trial rubber production should start in 2015.
“This is such an exciting and innovative project. It will not only help our companies meet the strong, anticipated growth in demand for natural rubber, but also constitutes a potential breakthrough for the rubber industry,” says Bill Niaura, director of new business development.
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rubber seal
rubber parts
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